Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Our little peanut butter cup!

A good friend of mine called me from Germany, and as we caught up laughing and groaning over some mundane military wife type conversation, my second, almost 7 year old, daughter Reiley asks me "Mom, can I have a snack?... (me)Sure, something healthy (R) How about peanut butter with some carrots? (me) Ok" End of conversation right??!!
OOOOH how wrong was I to say yes to this request in a weak mommy moment to get a few more minutes of uninterupted adult conversation! As I approached the kitchen I saw the mess! Oh no! I gotta go I said, still walking I see the walls and shriek "Oh Emmary baby!" Oh man I have to go, where is she I say in panic of what may possibly be, still walking I see the couch, but then I walk around and see the front of the couch and her little body slathered in peanut butter! And there she was smilling covered, literally from head to toe.... Could I be mad, no! But boy oh boy does this offer more time to clean than I wanted!
I had to let the dog get a lick or two so I could get a picture of that and he could get a treat before I dunked her in the bath tub for a complete scrub down! This was all too funny.
Thank goodness there are no peanut allergies in our family!! Enjoy the pictures ;)


  1. wooooww! good thing you have a leather couch! I would have screamed my head off had one of mine done it since we have cloth covered couches:) Was she naked to begin with or did you remove her clothes? Becaue i would hate to try and clean the clothes too!

  2. She is our house hold nudist, so it is always nice that I try and make her these cute dresses, but as soon as we get in doors, she is nakey baby once more!
    She got into the bag of shredded cheese after that, and thought it was yum diddly-umpcious... Until she had to stand on the wall for her messes! And I was in the back ground saying "Not so yummy-licious now is it?" (she says things are yummy licous when she likes them).... Man oh man! The bathtub was a nice shade of tan when we were done!

  3. Oh, and you are right, that is the EXACT reason we buy leather furniture. All our couches and car interior's are leather and until they hit middle school will be ;) We have little explorer babies who think making a mess is totally brain developing fun!
