Wednesday, March 11, 2009

A girls gatta do......

I had just received this little dress in the mail. The cutest little Baby Nay dress and I knew my girl would look adorable in it! And she did... Until the nail polish incident happened! Oh great, I thought as I looked at this pretty little girl covered in brown and an ugly blue polish.... one color even had sparkles, and this I knew was a lost cause, as those stinkin sparkles wont even come off my toes months after I paint it on there....
Oh but wait... After some googling and the thought process of "What could it hurt, it's already ruined" I turned to Straight full power Acetone. It is clear and not recommended if you have false nails, as it will eat through them in a hurry! It was even eating through the paint on my cabinets as I used it to also clean the floor (hey, I would have used the green solution if I could have, but this was my only option)
So I dabbed and brushed inch by inch and it is finally out!
Dress saved, 3 hours, wasted! :)

Mr. Clean!

Oh, how I love Mr. Clean magic eraser! It saved me from having to paint my wall yesterday after a toddler play date got a little crazy whilst the mommy was making snacks. Boy oh boy, but they grow so fast I remind myself! ;) target sells a 4 pack for 2 bucks of Target brand which are exactly the same as the Mr. Clean.
I spent a few hours today cleaning all the walls from little hand prints that I have ignored due to a lack of motivation and knowing my energy could be applied to more useful projects... yes, like bibs and dolls and clothes for the kiddos... Anything but deep cleaning right?! I broke out my yellow gloves and bucket, filled with my magic earth solution (recipe bellow) And alas, the walls are ignored no longer! And the return of walls that look like the day we PCS'ed here.... for a little while of course! No, I'm not holding my breath on that one!

Green Clean solution*
A gallon (just fill up however much you think, this is not chemistry) warm or hot water
1/3 (use between 3 tablespoons and a cup - you decide) Vinegar... Whatever you have is fine, it is all vinegar!
Only a few drops (literal drops) of dish soap.... I use between 3 and 6 depending.
OPTIONAL- a few drops of fragrance. I have scented oils, you can use whatever, Like the little oils you would burn in an incense burner..... I add this if I am using the solution on my floors, or counters, but not the walls.

Use this solution all over the house anywhere, and tweak the ratios to what you prefer to work with.

I also leave out the fragrance when I add it to a spray bottle.
I take any old spray bottle (any old one you have from another cleaner and rinse it out until it rinses clean) and fill it with that solution and keep it by my sink... With little ones and dogs, this works wonders and is safe for adventurous little sneaky snakes!
My craftier of friends could even decorate the old bottle, but mine still has half the old label on it!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

In The Sand Box.....

I started the blog to blog about my daily comings and goings.... The little things in my household that make it run or that don't really work for us... from the military wife's perspective of course.
So here we are. In the midst of another deployment.... But dont feel too bad. Yes, it is always dangerous to be in the sand box, but this is a short trip, and also one where my guy is in a situation that is much different than before. So while yes, the area is dangerous and it is always a place not to be taken lightly, this is easy.
The time line is amazing! It could not have come at a better time. Noone is having a birthday, no special occasion, and in this economy, we can DEFINITELY use the extra money. I am so at ease with it too. I really am enjoying my time with my girls and such a relaxed schedule. I usually try and get things done by a certain time so that we can all eat dinner together. I know if I dont get some house hold chore done, my hubby will just jump right in there and do it to help out. So I really want that time where both he and I are just chilling out together and not worried about the house. Now, there is no time line, if I dont get it done, oh well, so it will either get done later, or tomorrow. I LOVE that.
I guess one thing that does not like the deployments are my computer. It is running hot every day (figuratively) I am checking and re checking to see if an e-mail has popped up. Is he ok, is the schedule still the same, does he miss me too. I do not obsess over the little things, but I do hang on the e-mails because let's face it. This is not my business man going on a work trip, this is a war zone.
So since there were no e-mails today, and I knew that if I hit hotmail again, just like opening the fridge door when you are hungry, the same things would still be there, or in this case, not there. So, I decided to blog it.
I will not compalin about the havoc reaked on my house, but my sweet little girls do turn into evil little sprits and with the extra pair of eyes and hands gone, seek out and destroy anything possible... To name a few from only the past couple days
Nail polish all over the bathroom (and a brand new, 1st time worn baby nay dress)
Family sized old fashioned Oatmeal container dumped on the carpet
Crayon all over the wall
And my finger is sliced open due to my oldest saying she was sorry she was lazy and put the potato peeler in a drawer that you have to open with a finger hole, and it was facin blade side out.....

Boy I love deployments! Who's with me on that one? So as I type this out (with a smiley face band aide on my pointer finger) I am complaining, but not really. I have been through many deployments of varying lengths.. This one is more like a visit to the sand box, so I am still alone, but this time it is not coupled with the stress that they ussually are.... The stress of worrying over the saftey of the person you love so much. Ihave friends who are dealing with that,a nd it is by far, not an easy road.... You think if you are strong than you can deal with, and then you are faced with your friends husbands not comming home and reality creeps in that this is war and that is where your husband is at.... And you get scared..... And then there are days you forget to be sad or worried, and those days are amazing! So I write this on such a short deployment, buut not the same perspective I would have if he were doing something other than what he is over there doing now...... And to my friends who have husbands who are, I think of you all the time, and I dont know if today is a good day or a more difficult day for you, but you are in my thoughts and prayers and I pray you have more good thatn bad days ahead of you!!!!

Friday, March 6, 2009

A girl and her dog

I know, I know, so many pictures of the baby (my baby anyhow) ... But yes, I do have two other children! I will have to get some posts with them on here. Anyhow, I snapped a few candid pictures of my puppy (well, he turned on at the end of January) and when I started my Emmary girl had to then start loving on her puppy, so I could not resist the power of the big floppy dog picture and his girl.
I love the fact that I got him in Germany a year after she was born. He is the sweetest guy ever and I am definitely NOT a dog person, but for him, I am completely in love. As are all of us, but it is sweet to see her growing up with him. Yes, she can be a little toddler and just plop herself right on top of him, but I am amazed that he just looks over at her and blinks his big black eyes like "well, hello you" He reminds us of Peter Pan, the dog "Nana"... Definitely a dog I can say "Glucklich where's the baby" and he goes and taps her with his nose.....

One day Emmary escaped out the fron door. I live on the beach, so this is not a good thing, but I thought she was downsatirs with daddy and that our oldest went out the door, but being vigilant I looked out the window, and who was walking on the boardwalk, but miss. sassy girl! I freaked of course, but to my absolute amazement, I saw Mr. Glucklich right by her hearding her to stop! It was so funny! (funny now) That he knew she was being bad and was out of bounds, so her walked right out the door and stayed by her side.

I could go on and on, but I will spare you that! Just had to gush over the only guy in the house right now.... It really does make us feel safe as they were bred to be NON agressive, but as guard dogs, so he will make an intruder feel like he is having one very bad day... That is the plan at least :)