Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Summer Fun & Snap shots

I am going to do a SUMMER FUN series on the blog. All summer long the girls and I have logged the fun things we want to do before school starts, each girl gets to pick from the list and we will try and fill the summer with as many activities from the list as possible. I will be posting pictures on here and writing about each activity. I will not have all three kids in each picture set, (although they will all participate) and I will be writing about what we did, and who liked it, who didn't and so on.
This is for my record and to preserve these things as much as possible.
All of these are going to be snap shots, or what I like to call "Mom Shots" Random snapped pictures which I ignore all of my OCD tendencies with taking portraits and just snap a random shot. This is so I don't have to worry about what is in focus or the speed or any other setting I should use. As in the pictures from the last post. This is all going to be all of the girls enjoying summer break and letting our hair down, so enjoy the count down until school begins again!

** This set of shots is of the "pool days" set. We took all the left over balloons that survived the car ride and filled the pool with them. I bought some extra noodle water guns and they played games like "who can squirt their ball tot he other side the fastest". Daddy tied rope for the older girls to swing on, and when the baby girl got tired of the big girl fun, she went to the upper deck with mom and played in her little pool. Glucklich was so funny trying to make sure everyone was ok the whole time! He's such a daddy dog sometimes. We all had a fun pool day and cant wait to do it all over again!

Friday, June 5, 2009

Summer begins!

Little one and I blew up many many many balloons (I was trying to be funny in this picture for Emmary who was helping take it, but I come off a little crazy :), I guess I'm a little of both!) and filled the truck and the back and then we decorated the windows to celebrate the last day of school and summer beginning for the older two girls. They were both really excited when they saw and it was very cute to see there faces and to hear them as they walked and then started running to the truck. Reiley even asked "Is it my birthday?" Very sweet girls!!

Emmary was really excited for the girls to come see.
Poor Mrs. Rowlette above... her class next year will seem like a vacation I'm sure of it! ;) Reiley will miss her!!
Bailey's teacher adored her! We will miss her!

We decorated all the windows and Emmary even scribbled some love messages to the girls.... She is a sweet heart!
Ok, this is the summer kick off for us, I cant wait for the fun to begin! Starting ..... NOW!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

That didn't last too long.

So the fish are no more. One by one they were leaving us, so my oldest daughter set three of the five to sea (as they were salt water fish)
Good bye fish who never kissed our fingers. Goodbye to your little dirty bowl I had to clean three times a week, good bye to having to remind the baby to stop putting her hand in the tank, goodbye to wild woman splashing your water, good bye to feeding you and telling the girls to stop over feeding you, good bye to measuring out the salt for your new water, good bye to you darting to the bottom of the bowl when someone walked by your tank.... Good bye.... I am sure all the crazy reaching in the tank prepared you for life in the ocean and you will be rock steady ready if a predator comes your way! Good luck and good bye little fishies!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Odwalla Plants free trees.....

* Plant a tree with the click of your mouse, for free *

Very cool that this company is doing this. Odwalla is planting trees for free if you go to the link and click on your state, they plant a tree in your state park. The site gives lots of tree info and why they are good for us, but more importantly, they are helping those Americans who want to make a difference, but do not have the means to in this economy.
I commend this company, and feel even better for buying Odwalla drinks for my little ones to drink as we roll around Target to keep them satisfied and happy (ok, yes, I do get them a cinnamon pretzle too and a diet coke for myself! ;)