I'm noone's mother here but my three little ladies, so no lecture attached, I'll save that for them later on down the road. If anyone is interested in buying organically, I say this is a great cheat sheet to follow, on the left are produce to buy always organically on the right side, low pesticides... My rule is to try and follow this, it is hard when J is home, he battles me on everything, so this issue is no exception and also some places dont have the best selections of things... I also say ALWAYS buy milk with no added growth hormones... Organic is great too, but for me it's important just to make sure the meat and dairy you consume has no added growth hormones, they are good news for those who make money at that business, but in my opinion, bad for our bodies... Many people will argue this fact and it may just be me being cautious, but seriously, they used to give preganant woman drugs they said were ok, and then they said they caused birth defects.... It is a slippery slope for me I dont want to go down to argue the point of a dollar or two....
I will attach an article that debates the milk thing a little by Anderson Cooper, just so you know I'm really not trying to push my opinion on someone, I say make your own, but that's just what I try to do. I come from a line of dairy farmers from the old country who moved to Wisconsin and had a huge successful dairy farm... also my more recent relatives raised their own cows and milked them. All of them fresh organic milk because that is the way it had been done back in the day, so they raised them in the way of tradition, why are we leaping into this phase of hormones... (ok, ok, off the soap box ;)
( I skimmed the article first, pun intended, and just now read the full article, so any parallels were coincidence, but it's funny I do feel that way)
PS- I say it's really best if you can grow your own little garden, not only do kids LOVE this, but it's free food after one meal and you dont have to worry a hair on your head is it or isnt it ok, you know.