I guess living in the Starbucks Meca of the world, and even traveling internationally there is a Starbucks on every corner... You walk into a major multi story starbucks and there are reading rooms sitting areas, there is a feeling in there, kind of cool with the art and the wafting coffee, buisness men and couples dating late night sitting in these cozy configured seatting areas... I guess I had become a Starbucks snob.... No Dunkin Donuts where I lived for many many years, so when I heard they beat Starbucks, I thought, it must have been a close one.... a tight race.... Well, as I traveled on Post doing my by-weekly shopping adventure in the Commissary, to my surprize, they were out of my usual coffee, I buy K-cups for my Cuisinart coffee maker which I love and adore... With an annoyed deep throaty *sigh* I look at what my choices are..... What crap is going to get me through my mornings dealing with all the crazies all day now that summer is out... I grab a bag of Dunkin Donuts Vanilla flavored coffee.... "here we go" I think, let's see what all that hype was about. Totally preparing myself for a let down and to do as I usually do, use only a few scoops out of the bag and throw it out once I find my coffee is back instore.
So I get up, open the bag, hey this smells good I think, maybe it will get me through... I brew the cup, add my ussual, 1/2 teaspoon of sugar and 2 Tablespoons (who am I kidding 3!) of Italian Creme and stir it together with whatever plastic kids spoon was sitting on the counter....I warm my hands on the Polish Pottery mug I had to have for a Christmas present from J and pull it close to my face as I pace, take a deep inhale and a small sip.... HOLY MOLY! This stuff is GOOD! I take another sip, and then find myself gulping it down like it was hot choclate on a snowey day and I was 8 years old! It didnt have that bitter bite that Starbucks had... that most coffee's I have tried have, I could not believe it was THAT much better... I really thought it would be like a Pepsi/ Coke, one person likes one better, but this blew me away.... NO MORE COFFEE SNOBBERY, I am converted and am on a mission to spread the word!
For those of you who dont know the ins and outs of military life, one time honored tradition amungst wives is called "The Coffee" it is a social of sorts.... We get together when the boys are gone and serve, you got it, coffee... also tea and soda... ok fine, and wine! But we get a break of adult time and share gripes and laugh, it is a rough road were on, no bashing here, just mutual respect for the battle we face.... Swapping recipies, sharing new upcomming events and socilas, kids activities, games, just good old fun to get out of the normal hum drum routine we are on every day.... Well, I'm sure you know the point I am getting to, I will be serving Dunkin Donuts at any I host for sure..... They have fairtrade espresso in their stores and even offer light fare for breakfast, so I say to anyone waiting and thinking about it or just wanting a cool brand to frquent, SAVE YOUR TIME AND MONEY, Dunkin Donuts is where it's at! ;)
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