Little one and I blew up many many many balloons (I was trying to be funny in this picture for Emmary who was helping take it, but I come off a little crazy :), I guess I'm a little of both!) and filled the truck and the back and then we decorated the windows to celebrate the last day of school and summer beginning for the older two girls. They were both really excited when they saw and it was very cute to see there faces and to hear them as they walked and then started running to the truck. Reiley even asked "Is it my birthday?" Very sweet girls!!
Emmary was really excited for the girls to come see.
Poor Mrs. Rowlette above... her class next year will seem like a vacation I'm sure of it! ;) Reiley will miss her!!
Bailey's teacher adored her! We will miss her!
We decorated all the windows and Emmary even scribbled some love messages to the girls.... She is a sweet heart!
Ok, this is the summer kick off for us, I cant wait for the fun to begin! Starting ..... NOW!
It's so crazy how your girls look like you but in different ways. They are soooo beautiful! Good job:) As for the balloons...genius!! Really cool way to get them excited and celebrate:)I know Emily would loooove this!