So I took my know how of the GFCF diet and made a recipe for a small yellow cake with a chocolate peanut butter frosting... This was a HUGE hit! It DOES have butter in it, (like I said, my grandparents and ancestors would roll over in their graves if we went dairy free) but besides that, which can be substituted for those who are vegan, it is completely GFCF...... So I dedicate this to my cousin, in hopes that she can find her way though this difficult time of figuring out all the recipes that are good, and finding great recipes she can hand down through her generations to come!
1/3 Cup water
1/4 Cup corn starch
3/4 Cup's Agave Nectar
1/2 Cup Peanut butter (or whatever nut butter you use)
1/3 Cup cocoa powder
3 teaspoons vanilla extract (I used Tahitian from Trader Joe's)
1/4 soy milk (or almond, any milk substitute to keep it vegan or Casein free)
Mix water and cornstarch in a pot and warm...
** The Cake **
1/4 Cups Flour
1/4 Cup white sugar
1/8 Cup light brown sugar
1/2 stick soften butter
1 teaspoon Baking powder
2 Eggs
** Directions**
Combine all and mix until smooth
This was the funniest picture I got! Dripping and oozing chocolate, eyes wide with anticipation of the taste liking her fingers as if there were none left on the plate, they all loved it, but my girl who I started the journey for, really loves it and has no clue it is anything other than "Yummy cake mom, thanks for the treat!"
Worth all the effort of having to think outside the box.....
Here's a re-cap
** The Chocolate Peanut butter icing **
1/3 Cup water
1/4 Cup corn starch
3/4 Cup's Agave Nectar
1/2 Cup Peanut butter (or whatever nut butter you use)
1/3 Cup cocoa powder
3 teaspoons vanilla extract (I used Tahitian from Trader Joe's)
1/4 soy milk (or almond, any milk substitute to keep it vegan or Casein free)
Mix water and cornstarch in a pot and warm.... Do not walk away and forget pot while mixing other ingredients or you will end up with this and have to wash the pot and start over..... Yeah, not a good idea ;) Combine fully and heat until all is combined and looks starchy enough for you.
Next in a clean mixing bowl, add the starch water and rest of the ingredients minus the peanut butter. Last add peanut butter and put your mixer or beater on high ( or use those triceps and get a good work out!) and beat on high until it looks thicker... (Put it in the fridge for 30 minutes and it will firm up more)
**The Cake**
1/4 Cups Flour
1/4 Cup white sugar
1/8 Cup light brown sugar
1/2 stick soften butter
1 teaspoon Baking powder
2 Eggs
Combine all and mix until smooth
Grease loaf pan with coconut oil and pour batter in
Bake at 350 degrees for 30 minutes
Cut into bite sized pieces
Arrange on a plate and drizzle icing all over top
That last photo of Riley is SO funny and cute. All of the girls are so cute though. I just particularly loved that Riley pic.