Oh, how I love Mr. Clean magic eraser! It saved me from having to paint my wall yesterday after a toddler play date got a little crazy whilst the mommy was making snacks. Boy oh boy, but they grow so fast I remind myself! ;) target sells a 4 pack for 2 bucks of Target brand which are exactly the same as the Mr. Clean.
I spent a few hours today cleaning all the walls from little hand prints that I have ignored due to a lack of motivation and knowing my energy could be applied to more useful projects... yes, like bibs and dolls and clothes for the kiddos... Anything but deep cleaning right?! I broke out my yellow gloves and bucket, filled with my magic earth solution (recipe bellow) And alas, the walls are ignored no longer! And the return of walls that look like the day we PCS'ed here.... for a little while of course! No, I'm not holding my breath on that one!

Green Clean solution*
A gallon (just fill up however much you think, this is not chemistry) warm or hot water
1/3 (use between 3 tablespoons and a cup - you decide) Vinegar... Whatever you have is fine, it is all vinegar!
Only a few drops (literal drops) of dish soap.... I use between 3 and 6 depending.
OPTIONAL- a few drops of fragrance. I have scented oils, you can use whatever, Like the little oils you would burn in an incense burner..... I add this if I am using the solution on my floors, or counters, but not the walls.
Use this solution all over the house anywhere, and tweak the ratios to what you prefer to work with.
I also leave out the fragrance when I add it to a spray bottle.
I take any old spray bottle (any old one you have from another cleaner and rinse it out until it rinses clean) and fill it with that solution and keep it by my sink... With little ones and dogs, this works wonders and is safe for adventurous little sneaky snakes!
My craftier of friends could even decorate the old bottle, but mine still has half the old label on it!
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