I know what some people may think when they read this. They may think "but you said you were not competitive with others." I am sticking to that point. I am not and do not like people who push their competition onto me or others in an area it does not belong. However I do love to compete with myself and set goals for myself.
I have an over use injury. It is a hip muscle called the Tensor Fascia Lata. What is that? Ok, here it goes,
Tensor Fascia Lata Aids in muscle movements and can also provide an attachment site for muscles and act as a cushioning layer between them. The tensor fascia lata runs from the hip down the thigh and provides stability for the leg as well as medial rotation, or rotation in toward the other leg. It is a muscle I used to think nothing of, but when it hurts, you think of it evrytime you walk, run, sit, stand, go to the bathroom, lay down..... You realise how much one little musclle aids in your body movement....
Now, I have Physical therapy to do and am supposed to lay off of running. I am not a doctor and never second guess one, but I think to myself, How many contestants on the biggest loser lay off a work out? And then I think " Rock it out sister!"
Do not think I am nuts, as I would not try and hurt myself and have backed off slightly, but I am pushing forward on this. I do my Physical therapy and I have to say it feels a hundred and fifty percent better in one day than it has in the past month.
So now for the reference to the first picture. I have backed off of my track workouts. I will be using my track workout too, but I am incorporating some indoor Elliptical stuff too. I have been for the past week. I just have to say..... I am the first one in the cardio room and the last one out. I spend 2 hours on that Elliptical and I am focused on myself and my workout only... Until I turn my head and see I am now the only one in there again as those who came after me and trinkled in are now gone..... That is such a feeling of being proud. I do not know them or think twice about the individuals, but what I do think is that I am kicking my own buttermilk buiscuits in that room and I push longer than most. I know this is no world record, but it is a marked sign of my effort level to me and it makes me proud of myself.
Today I cleared the room twice! TWICE! And people come in all the time, but to see it empty twice made me feel like, I am pushing through this stupid injury. Also, my cardio ability has gone through the roof! I still struggle in areas like my speed during my long runs needs to get faster, but I make smaller goals for myself like distance, and then time.
I am not going to give up because my body is building each muscle back up as a result of me tearing it down. I know how muscles work and since I let all mine take a hiatis, they are all going to tear down, and build back stronger than ever!
My next blog will be on my sit up routine I think... Man..... And to give you a little glimpse I will leave you with this statement, I am no spring chicken!
Woodland Animal Snow Globe ADVENT
8 years ago
you go girl!