So, my mom is coming in for the holidays.. The woman who has not flown since I was a baby, so it has been 30 or so years and her flight is delayed. Well, she got through one flight which ran late on Continental, to have a layover for her connecting flight on Continental... Now this is also the woman who gets freaked out over anything going wrong. She was not like this in her youth, but the older she gets, she swears that no matter where you are there are outlandish situations that are not only going to happen, but happen to her! (even when we were going to the happiest place on the planet, Disney world, she lectured us the entire time on crazy people who target places like that... She goes overboard.
So, on top of her anxiety, she has a heart condition which she had open heart for and was already freaked out about the darn flight. I had to beg her to come for years and finally told her I already bought the ticket... so as scared as she was, she was raised to never waste anything, so after that, and some more convincing, she was on her way....
Now a delay, then a canceled flight, then a hotel that sent her and a dozen others away, and more issues has her in a state of traveling no one wants to be in... On top of this she also has a condition with her lymph nodes that they swell and she has to wear special leg wraps (yes if I put all her medical stuff out here it would look like a rap sheet for a nursing home, and I do realize these are the genes I inherited! Someone better be pulling for me up there so I do not have all that stuff to deal with!)
So as we stand right now, it went from a 20 min. delay to a 12 hour delay and hopefully all systems will be in "go mode" in the morning. So here is to my scaredy cat mom who is being broken in on flight issues the old fashioned way. I say face your fears right?! But it is Christmas eve and she did not want to fly on that date and she really wants to make sure she is here by Christmas.... And so do we of course.
This is a Continental flight (first class I might add, lucky her!) and her flight back is a coach Delta flight.... Let's see which she prefers......
OHNO! I just read this and didn't realize your mom never made it in that night. :( I am guessing she made it the next morning and hope you guys had the best Christmas with mom!!! Miss you!