Here are two more great recipes for wiser cleaning. First it saves money, which is ALWAYS a bonus for the milit

ary wife, and second, it cuts down the amount of chemicals the little one's are being exposed to around the house, and last it cuts down on waste from the packaging... But a great thing is that what I post, I have made sure that they, not only work, but they have to work as well, if not better than those store bought items, or I just wont use them as it would waste my time, and that, I can not waste.
By the way, I am no tree huger, although my blog was almost titled "Raised by Hippies", which I am still thinking I could change it... I will keep you posted on that one ;)
Anyhow, our skin absorbs so much we put on it. So, this recipe is AMAZING! It is a natural moisturizer, that you will smell so delicious and your skin will thank you a million times!
Rich Body Moisturizer: Take ½ cup coconut oil and mix with a ¼ cup cocoa butter and a few drops of your favorite essential oil (Optional, just use whatever you like the smell of best, I made mine without it)
**( I will also just use the Coconut oil straight, it is something to try if you'd like, but I like it)**
Second is a furniture polish. The store brand stuff is not good. First it is wax passed, petroleum based. They contain other chemicals. It is aerosol and something has to happen to that spray can right? That aside, they are WAY over priced. So a good solution, make the same stuff yourself, save money, and it works Superbly. I also have a few very expensive antique pieces, so I do not fool around when it comes to those!
Lemon Furniture Polish: Squeeze the juice of 5 Lemons, mix in a spray bottle with 1 cup Olive Oil (use the cheap O.O. as this is not salad and it is not going to end up on your booty, so extra virgin is not necessary for this) Shake and use. This is awesome and along with the all purpose cleaner I posted previously, you have two cleaners that will clean just about anything in your home, and do it cheaper and healthier for those with kids.
Beeswax Polish: You can buy this stuff ( ) or, if you are near a bee farmer, ask them for the good stuff! Refined Bees wax leaves no finger prints, which for moms is greater than words! Use what the bee farmer gives you straight and follow their instructions. This stuff is great in restoring furniture that looks like it has seen it's last days, and then Wah Lah!
I have a dog... He is amazing in every way, but leave the toilet available, and he thinks you very kindly gave him fresh water. This is fine with me, but a good cleaner to keep him safe is TANG.
Yes, the powdered drink mix. I got this from the "Queen of Clean" and I used it when my baby was small and would dump her toys in the toilet when I was not looking and try to... well, put the toy in her mouth! Gag, I know, but kids are kids and I have three, I try to make sure these things don't happen, but sometimes they do.
Anyhow, The acid in the tang cleans the bowl and it is totally safe for kids. Another alternative, that is a little better, but not cheaper, is the lemons.
TOILET CLEANER: cut up the squeezed lemons you used in your furniture polish (small pieces) and let it sit in your toilet over night, in the morning flush and add a little baking soda and scrub. You will have a nice clean toilet.
This is great if you make fresh lemonade for the kiddos, you can even cut and freeze lemons in a zip lock and throw a few pieces in at night when you are looking for a deeper clean.
**On a regular basis, I say do the tang and on a deeper clean, do the lemons.
I hope you guys can use one of these recipes, they all work really really great, although the lotion is my favorite! i have a few more that I love, but I am still looking for a Mr. Clean Magic eraser alternative, until then, he lives as a staple in my house! Like I said, I am no crazy person when it comes to these things, so you will find a mix of store bought and home made natural alternatives in my house on any given day. I prefer to use the home made as much as possible as my 2 year old keeps asking "Mommy can I help cleaning?"